We allied our forces and knowledge. We face the fast changing and improving auditing, accounting and tax principles or regulations. We believe that our combining expertise could be a great help for our client in their endless endeavor to growth and maintain business sustainability.
It is a must that every public accountants must enhance the capability and competence to meet the required standards and regulations. Our CPAs is keen on improving their competencies by means of combining their expertise as well as other means as required by authorized institution such as Ministry of Finance (MoF), Indonesia Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK) and Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia - IAPI).
Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia – IAI) as the authorized institution for setting up accounting principles in Indonesia implemented 4 accounting standards/principles namely PSAK (IFRS compliance), PSAK ETAP (non public accountability entity), PSAK Syariah and PSAK EMKM (for micro, small and medium entity). These four principles are meant to be implemented by private sector companies. It depends on the company’s scope of reporting responsibility, size, and syariah implementation to determine which principle is suitable for a company.
We [KAP AMHdR] come to provide the best solutions.
Our CPAs have experienced in providing service to certain client’s nature of business:
- Banking and Financing;
- Contractor;
- Forwarding
- Hotel and Other Hospitality;
- Manufacturing ;
- Mining;
- Non Profit Organisation;
- Plantation and Agriculture;
- Services;
- Trading and Distribution;